About Us
Lions Club of Siliguri City
Lions Club of Siliguri City, Region VII Zone II, Lions Clubs International District 322F Clubs formed on 1st July 2020 Consisting of 51 Members who are professionals in various fields with Industrialists & business entrepreneurs.
Lions Club of Siliguri City is Lead by Zone Chairperson Lion Robin Mitruka, President Lion M.K Manoj, Secretary Lion Ankit Agarwal, Treasurer Lion Nivesh Goyal followed by all dynamic male & female lion members.
At Present we have a membership at 50 Members as per Lions International Records we have been doing all Social, Cultural, and Service activities right from our club formation on 27th July 2020.
We have done all projects under one district one activity. We have got best club president secretary award from our Zone including District Governors medal To Our President Lion Robin Mitruka , Gold Medal In Blood Camp, Sabashiya Award for serving during the Covid 19′, We have received 3rd best Secretary award from District and we have attended YLLI, DLLI, RLLI Multiple Lions Convention, Multiple Leo Meet Isame forum And Lions International Convention with all District Events as invited.

We have Received the best Membership Growth Awards from the Region IV of Lions Club International District-322F in the Year 2020-21.

We have started 2 Permanent Projects. Lions City Oxygen Seva and Lions City Serve Annapurna. Which are running very smoothly.
We also Request all to keep their blessings & Support on us and our club so we move ahead as a Team and good standing club in coming years ahead.